Thursday, July 16, 2015

The Summer of Self-Care

Good morning Stripers!

        Summer is firmly under way, and we all have the midday hot flashes to prove it. Crop tops, sleeveless tees, and fresh fades are everywhere! People are looking hot while trying to keep cool, and of course, the haters don’t miss an opportunity to share their opinions with the rest of us. There’s a popular meme from a foreign country advising summer tourists to, “Dress for the Body You Have, Not the Body You Want,” and anybody that knows me, knows that body shaming gets no love here!
Now, don’t get me wrong, I don’t think everyone should be Sashay Shauteing it down the runway in daisy dukes, but I resent the implication that people need to inconvenience themselves by overdressing in this treacherous heat because other people are ***holes. Point. Blank. Period. With the launch of the ESPN 2015 Body issue last week showing a diverse range of athletic bodies, as well as vast media recognition of some of my favorite pioneers of body confidence to include the incomparable Misty Copeland and Miss Tess “EffYourBeautyStandards” Holliday, it is clear that there’s no reason for ANY body to be your standard to live up to. We are unique individuals with a wide range of physical features, strengths, weaknesses, depths of soul, and special gifts. Big changes are happening right now all across the country and it’s a great thing, but we still have work to do and part of it starts with wholly accepting ourselves!
That’s why at the beginning of July, I decided to dub this the Summer of Self-Care. For me, it’s about making sure I am in a good place holistically: mind, body, and spirit. Each day, I am choosing to focus on different aspects of myself and doing some self-reflection; and even more importantly deciding to relax and enjoy reevaluating what I want out of life right now. I’m a teacher, so I have a unique window of time to be existential right now; I recognize that not everyone can take a few weeks off, but I urge you to block off a chunk of your day to focus on you! My wellness arsenal includes lots of Trap Muzik acoustic covers, pole fitness time, chats with good friends, and challenging my mind academically. Sounds too much like work you say? Well Summer Lovin’ has taken on a new meaning this year, and I plan to be Sandy by the times the leaves begin to change instead of Sandra Dee. I hope you’ll choose to be a bit of a chameleon for the rest of summer too. Don’t be afraid to join me!

If you enjoyed this post, go on over to my friends at! It's a virtual think-space that challenges and empowers you to freely express your authentic self.  Bmoje's motto is value difference, question tradition, take the edge off. I love it! The Bmoje app expands the options of representation in the digital world and is available in the App and Google Play stores,

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

An Attitude of Gratitude

Good afternoon Stripers!
     I wanted to write a non fashion related post today about an important topic: Gratitude! The struggle has been oh-so-real in my life lately and instead of turning into Eeyore about it all, I've decided to count all my chickens, both hatched and unhatched.  I think it's very easy to get bogged down by what we don't have, whether it's a job that seems unattainable, the 30 cents in our bank account, or the broken A/C in our car.  We tend to forget that there are people without shelter, those who've just lost loved ones, and those who, no matter how hard they try, cannot seem to catch a break. Take a little time to show an Attitude of Gratitude today!

     Below is a short list of tips compiled from Jeff Haden's article, How to Know You'll Be Extraordinarily Successful, which I read on LinkedIn earlier today. They were aimed at the business community but are generally good advice for all of life. I hope they give you a place to ground your attitude transformation.

Find happiness in the success of others.
Relentlessly seek new experiences.
Don't think work/life balance, just think life!
Be incredibly empathetic.
Have something to prove -- to yourself.
Don't think you're special.
Realize that success is fleeting, but dignity and respect last forever.

      I hope this post is encouraging to you, and though it's not Turkey Day -- the usual time that self-reflection is encouraged-- a little self-reflection never hurt anyone. I hope you'll join me in seeking out joy in the small things over the next 30 days! Show us what you're grateful for by tagging your photos #30daysofgratitude and sharing on Facebook, Twitter, or by following us on Instagram: Horizontal_Stripes

Until next time Stripers!

Friday, May 8, 2015

Sizzlin' in the Rain!

Greetings Stripers!
I apologize for the delay between posts, but I had the end of the semester time crunch at both work school and virtual school. I'm not a flake, but I don't have the ability to pull all nighters anymore.


     Nor can I pop up like a daisy in the wee hours of the morning to work on assignments.


But at least for awhile, I will have both my normal sleep schedule and my faculties back, so look out for posts to become a bit more consistent. 

Anywho, in celebration of  the consistently warm days and Vitamin D washing over me, I decided to be the ambassador of Spring today!

April showers have brought lovely May flowers, but a little rain doesn't have to mean sadness in the forecast!

One of my students came to stand under my umberella, ella, ella. She loves to photobomb my blog pics.

Shirt: Cato, Skirt: Venezia(an old Lane Bryant brand), and Sandals: Payless

I usually shy away from pastels because I think deeper colors look best with my skin tone, but this parasol skirt and butter yellow shirt just made me so happy, I couldn't resist!
The temperatures are rising and summer isn't that far away! Break out of your routine and try pastels today! 

Aren't I just a regular Dr. Seuss?

My classroom is calling, and I've gotta run!I hope your day is filled with fashion and fun!
Ok, I'll stop. I promise! Have a great day all!

Until next time Stripers!

Monday, April 20, 2015

Stop the Presses! Tomboy Chic Finally Meets This Geek!

Greetings Horizontal Stripers,

     It's been way too long since I've seen your virtual faces, and I apologize for such a long hiatus. A few things have happened since the last time I posted, and some changes may be coming to the world of Horizontal Stripes that'll make it easier to navigate for both me and you! I've had the writing bug lately and lots more to talk about, so thanks for your patience while we try to figure it out.
                                                          So, what's on our agenda today?

     Well, I've always been kind of enamored with the sporty girly style clash that I've seen celebs like Rihanna or Ciara pull off with ease. It's not quite menswear, and it's not trying to look boyish necessarily, ironically. These ladies always look comfortable and stylish, but with edge and sass; sparkle and grit, and I love it!

The components are usually one part Jersey/jersey dress/ skirt + skinny jeans/shorts + heels/cute sneakers

or one part sweat/tracksuit + heels/cute sneakers

Well, it only took me 28 years, but I think I've finally pulled it off!
Garbo from the knees up & Cal Ripken from the knees down.

Top : Mynt 1792 via Gwynnie Bee, Skirt: Torrid, Kicks: Target, Necklace and Earrings: Versona

Dress: Spruce & Sage via Gwynnie Bee Shop; Kicks: Target

Though I'm no Rihanna or Ciara, and honestly didn't even try to aim for either combination of their looks, with a dash of this and a twist of that, I think I turned out ok. I'm not a big hat girl, and can't be anymore with my 'fro, but lipstick or big earrings are another way to throw a little more girliness at an outfit like this. I hope you'll give it a try.

Until next time Stripers,