Tuesday, May 12, 2015

An Attitude of Gratitude

Good afternoon Stripers!
     I wanted to write a non fashion related post today about an important topic: Gratitude! The struggle has been oh-so-real in my life lately and instead of turning into Eeyore about it all, I've decided to count all my chickens, both hatched and unhatched.  I think it's very easy to get bogged down by what we don't have, whether it's a job that seems unattainable, the 30 cents in our bank account, or the broken A/C in our car.  We tend to forget that there are people without shelter, those who've just lost loved ones, and those who, no matter how hard they try, cannot seem to catch a break. Take a little time to show an Attitude of Gratitude today!

     Below is a short list of tips compiled from Jeff Haden's article, How to Know You'll Be Extraordinarily Successful, which I read on LinkedIn earlier today. They were aimed at the business community but are generally good advice for all of life. I hope they give you a place to ground your attitude transformation.

Find happiness in the success of others.
Relentlessly seek new experiences.
Don't think work/life balance, just think life!
Be incredibly empathetic.
Have something to prove -- to yourself.
Don't think you're special.
Realize that success is fleeting, but dignity and respect last forever.

      I hope this post is encouraging to you, and though it's not Turkey Day -- the usual time that self-reflection is encouraged-- a little self-reflection never hurt anyone. I hope you'll join me in seeking out joy in the small things over the next 30 days! Show us what you're grateful for by tagging your photos #30daysofgratitude and sharing on Facebook, Twitter, or by following us on Instagram: Horizontal_Stripes

Until next time Stripers!

Friday, May 8, 2015

Sizzlin' in the Rain!

Greetings Stripers!
I apologize for the delay between posts, but I had the end of the semester time crunch at both work school and virtual school. I'm not a flake, but I don't have the ability to pull all nighters anymore.


     Nor can I pop up like a daisy in the wee hours of the morning to work on assignments.


But at least for awhile, I will have both my normal sleep schedule and my faculties back, so look out for posts to become a bit more consistent. 

Anywho, in celebration of  the consistently warm days and Vitamin D washing over me, I decided to be the ambassador of Spring today!

April showers have brought lovely May flowers, but a little rain doesn't have to mean sadness in the forecast!

One of my students came to stand under my umberella, ella, ella. She loves to photobomb my blog pics.

Shirt: Cato, Skirt: Venezia(an old Lane Bryant brand), and Sandals: Payless

I usually shy away from pastels because I think deeper colors look best with my skin tone, but this parasol skirt and butter yellow shirt just made me so happy, I couldn't resist!
The temperatures are rising and summer isn't that far away! Break out of your routine and try pastels today! 

Aren't I just a regular Dr. Seuss?

My classroom is calling, and I've gotta run!I hope your day is filled with fashion and fun!
Ok, I'll stop. I promise! Have a great day all!

Until next time Stripers!