Monday, August 5, 2013

Sometimes I get a little too attached......

When I love an article of clothing or accessories, it takes all my willpower to keep myself from wearing it EVERYDAY.  When I was in high school,  it was a bright yellow shirt that fit me just perfectly, in my opinion anyway.  I would wear it something like three days a week, until a few of my friends were like, "Seriously, what's with the shirt?"

So although I have an overflowing closet, I pretty much wear the same 15 things over and over again.  But if it wasn't for fear of another intervention, I would probably wear the same 4 things over and over till I tired of them or they fell apart.

Old Navy cardi with a blue and green, color-blocked, dress that I got for about $15 at Ross Dress for Less.  It has pockets! 
This is the pose I make when I am shushing people in the library stacks.  I am obviously taken very seriously.
This Old Navy cardi is on it's last legs.  It has a little hole in the shoulder, the color is starting to fade, but I still love it and I will keep wearing it until it totally disintegrates. I hope you like it too, because you will probably see it again......and again.

xo, Kelly

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