Greetings Horizontal Stripers,
The other Stripers and I have been shut in lately due to all the rain we've been getting here on the East Coast. So what have we been doing with our free time you ask? We've been gettin' our sweat on...literally! We decided to try Hot Yoga and everyone loved it! If you've never done yoga, I would definitely suggest trying it at least once! Here in America, yoga (
Hatha yoga) primarily consists of a physical workout using a series of poses which help increase flexibility and strength. There are also stress relief and calming aspects to yoga classes that stem from deep breathing and body awareness. The ladies and I chose to do Hot Yoga (
BikramYoga) which for the most part uses the same poses as Hatha Yoga, but the room it is held in is kept at 105* F and 40% humidity. Kelly and I hadn't done yoga in years, so it was fun to get back into it together! It also gave me an excuse to buy some new workout clothes!
These are just a few examples of the stuff I bought:
Danskin Active at Walmart
I'd love to say I had a myriad of cute sports bras as well, but turns out very few retailers think plus sized women want cute, functional sports bras like everyone else! Is it really hard to make these above a 36D people? If they do come above that size, they will almost always have to be ordered online, which promises added expense in shipping and handling on top of the exorbitant amount of money that one must pay as a penalty for having a cup that runneth over. And, oh yeah, on top of that the increase in price does not always promise functionality or fit. Way to motivate me to workout sports bra manufacturers!
Image courtesy of Tumblr
Without sounding crazy, I can't tell you how irritating it is to not only not be able to try them on in the store, but to be given the hope online that they exist according to a company's website, and then find that said company doesn't even stock anything in the larger sizes on the size chart;as in, it's not even an option for choosing! Isn't that just peachy?
On a high note, we've also been making a splash in our Water Aerobics class! It's great cardio with the aid of buoyancy. That ab workout that you hate on land, just became a bit more doable, and it's great for those with knee problems, arthritis, or for anyone just looking a a challenge and a change from the usual routine. Most importantly another reason to search for the perfect swimsuit! Below are a few we've come to love and actually use. Who says you can't look good while working hard?

I hope you're taking advantage of the sunshine and higher temps to get your exercise on too! You can start small with walking, or if you've been wanting to try something new, now is as good a time as any. Anything you can do to make yourself healthy, can't help but come across in your jeans and on your face. Even if your goal isn't to lose weight, exercise makes you feel better. It may not feel great during, but afterward you'll be glad you did it! As the infamous ElleWoods would say, "Exercise gives you
endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don't shoot their
husbands. They just don't!" So in addition to having a tried and true antidote for murder, you'll also have the satisfaction of accomplishment, an improved mood, and better regulated internal systems. That's enough of Brittani Howzer M.D. for today.
Until next time Stripers!